November 24 2008--Titusville, FL. It was a beautiful day--56 F and sunny, cloudless skies when we arose. We loaded the car (again!) and set out for the Kennedy Space Center. We

knew before we got there that the tour of the KSC was both expensive and long, but we went anyway to see if there was an a la carte approach. Alas, there was not, so we backtracked a few miles to the US Astronaut Museum. Cheaper and more self-guided. It was still too much for Mathew to absorb--and I'll say not truly friendly to a 4 1/2 year old--but a great time and great exhibits was had by all. There were two rides: one a G-Force simulator and the other a Mars Rover simulator. Both incredibly nauseating, but very exciting. Now we know what it is like to drop out of the sky at 10,000 ft in a stalled fighter jet. Anyway, we took some great pictures and learned a lot about the early days of the US space program. After lunch and a little exercise, we headed on down I-95 for Pompano Beach and Mathew's grandparent's place. We'll be there for a few days and then on to Sanibel Island.

We're also going to stop at the Houston Space Center for a little more NASA. I am sure we may have a future astronaut on our hands.
Start: Titusville, FL, 56 F
Stop: Pompano Beach, FL, 76 F
Total Day Trip Mileage: TBD
Total Trip Mileage: TBD
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