Alamogordo, NM--Taos, NM

We left Alamogordo, NM at about 2 pm in the afternoon. It was a lovely drive up 54 and across 380. But at about 4 pm we realized we were a long way from Taos. Not sure where we got messed up. All I can say is that we have that traveling brain now. The days mix together; no cell phone reception; occasional Wi-Fi; and we’re making it up as we go along. In San Antonio, NM we took some pictures of the most magnificent sunset (actually it was the reflection of the setting sun). I see where we got the purple mountains majesty from. Whew! Anyway, nighttime came upon us just as we hit I-25. And given our time, instead of hitting some roadfood in Bernalillo (just north of Albuquerque) we decided to make some snacks and take a bee-line for Taos, lest we get in too late. And so, we pass Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Espanola, and finally arrive in Taos at Debbie’s college friend, Alan Vetter's house around 8pm. We drink some wine, eat some cheese and quesadillas, and crash. We’ll spend a few days here and then on for the next to last leg of our journey.
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